
Corona time - The podcast about life in the new reality

The coronavirus has completely changed our lives. We had to stay at home for weeks and were only supposed to go out for the bare minimum. Somehow the economy should keep going. But she has suffered massive losses.
Some are still in the home office. Others continued to work the whole time - under difficult conditions. No matter how - everything is different. And there are good things too. True to the motto "necessity is the mother of invention", the situation also releases new forces. Digitization has received a real boost - the number of people working from home has tripled, congresses have been moved to the Internet.

We would like to talk about it and get an insight into the social and economic situation. We talk to you about your Corona time, want to tell and share your stories.

Get in touch at post (ätt) We'll get in touch and record the conversation.

Current episodes for listening

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